Saturday, February 15, 2020

Historical aspects in Last of the Mohicans Essay

Historical aspects in Last of the Mohicans - Essay Example As such, we will analyze how Native Americans were first perceived by the original settlers at Plymouth Rock, by the government with the Trail of Tears, and later on by politicians who bargained with and swindled the Lakhota Sioux. II. The Sorrow: Plymouth Rock When the settlers arrived at Plymouth Rock, Native Americans were considered quote â€Å"savages,† as evidenced in the following sentence found in James Fenimore Cooper’s The Last of the Mohicans: The man had â€Å"†¦a look so dark and savage, that it might in itself excite fear† (Cooper 1859, 47). This stereotype of the Native American painted as some sort of inhuman creature was only reinforced by the idea that they made them feel that there was a definite threat to their women (white women). â€Å"Notwithstanding the fearful and menacing array of savages on every side of her, no apprehension on her own account could prevent the noble-minded maiden from keeping her eyes fastened on the pale and anx ious feaures of the trembling Alice† (Cooper 1859, 373). While this was not an unmitigated fear, as some white settlers’ wives were caught and captured to be made part of the Indian tribes, this fear was largely propagated by white people—and widely-circulated as rumor that Indians were always on the prowl for some fair, blond-headed maven that they might take in search of satisfying their savage lust. Of course, that is not to say that there was not favoritism displayed even among tribes, as Cooper notes. â€Å"[T]here is but little love between a Delaware and a Mingo†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Cooper 1859, 249). Nor, can it be said, was there the absence of nepotism either. â€Å"The Hurons love their friends the Delawares. . . . Why should they not? They are colored by the same sun, and their just men will hunt in the same grounds after death† (Cooper 1859, 365). Surely, by the same token, Cooper—being a white narrator—tries to preface a racist state ment by saying the equivalent of, â€Å"I’m not racist but†¦,† thus attempting to neutralize any shred of judgmental ideas coming after that statement as not being perceived racist. Cooper writes, â€Å"I am not a prejudiced man, nor one who vaunts himself on his natural privileges, though the worst enemy I have on earth, and he is an Iroquois, daren’t deny that I am genuine white† (Cooper 1859, 36). In essence, he is saying, â€Å"Not that this really has anything to do with him being Iroquois, but this guy is the most annoying chap I’ve ever met on the planet. Oh, and did I mention he’s Iroquois?† Well, if was a fact that didn’t matter, why was the fact mentioned? The mere fact that Cooper mentions that the other person being Iroquois didn’t matter, mattered. If he had just simply said, â€Å"Well, there was this annoying guy.† But, since he mentioned that the person also happened to be of a certain race, t hat sort of tempers the statement, tinging it and tainting it in a most unusual fashion—in essence coloring the way one sees the sentence. Indubiously, one is led to believe that perhaps if one Iroquois person is an enemy, then perhaps naturally should many or all Iroquois be one’s enemy—by nature of whatever unpalatable elements the Iroquois people may possess. Although Cooper does not expressly say it, he is (yes) being racist. Although he tries to paint a dapper picture with his writer’s quill, he is has unremarkably sullied the way he will forever be remembered in history—

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Look below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Look below - Essay Example The determination of the five important skills that the forensic accountants must posses It is important to know that the field of forensic accounting is a special arena of accountancy that deals with engagements with the outcomes from real as well as anticipated disputes. The word forensic means suitable for use in law court and it is referred to that standard that the potential result that the forensic accountants’ personnel have to work. The forensic accountants are also known as forensic auditors and they often have to engage themselves in providing expert advice at the eventual trial. The accountants require some type of skills in order to perform effectively in the market. The most important skills that the accountant requires are analytical characteristics, ethical, investigative, auditing skills, communication, interpersonal as well as specific credential requirements. The forensic services contribute an important part in the client services list and with the view to b ecome a productive accountant it may not gets transformed into productive accountant. The effective forensic accountant should have some professionalism to define the broad spectrum comprising of knowledge and skills. The services of forensic accounting comprises of the following: The application and the implementation of the knowledge as well as investigative skills acquired by the certified public accountant Collecting, analyzing as well as evaluating the evidential matter Interpretation and the outcomes in the courtroom or some other administrative venues The next tabulation will show the forensic knowledge required in the process The professional responsibilities and the practice in management Resolution to dispute, laws and courts Preparation and planning of the business process Collection of information and documentation of important information Invention of new techniques Reporting, experts and testimony The core skills of the CPA comprises of forensic accountants knowledge a nd some special forensic knowledge. The core skills in the arena of education, training and the accounting principles along with some attested services conclude the skills from the traditional accounting perspectives. However on the ideas of forensic accountant the same set of skills may not be adhered to these basic skills. Some of the areas explored and relevant to the forensic account and accounting are mentioned below. The characteristics and the traits The niche skills The advanced skills The specialties required and the certifications The arenas for advancement It should be noted that there must be some gap between conceiving the skills and the requisite knowledge along with the ability to transfer the skills into implementation of forensic accounting practices. The skills and the traits point out to the necessity for the accountant to search for the related information and the implementation of the information in the process to solve the problem accrued in the business (Rick, 2010). Then necessity to use analytical practices in forensic accounting engagement may be in the initial processes but it is the most important overall characteristics. The analytical proficiencies are important are important attributes for the forensic accountant (Charles, Ramona & Suzanne, n.d.). The results of different studies show that analytical characteristics are very important in forensic accountant’s ability to opt for the value added services and calls