Friday, May 31, 2019

The Taiwanese Development Model Since 1960 :: essays research papers

The minute Development Model Since 1960According to Thomas currency Taiwan offers a text book case of an elite-ledrevolution leading to social transformation. The stability of hardauthoritarianism of the Taiwanese government l help oneself the innovation for Taiwanesedevelopment. The KMTs cohesiveness and political domination plus the economicdevelopment caution supplied by the United States also helped to provide goodconditions for Taiwanese addition in the beginning. Once the KMT gained control ofTaiwan they redistributed the land and launched a program of rehabilitation andindustrialization. This accomplishment was responsible for the nationalization of manybusinesses formerly owned by the Japanese and the start of industrial productionin Taiwan marked by a keel away from agriculture to industry. During the earlyperiod of industrialization Taiwan tried to create domestic markets for itsgoods. During the period from 1960 to 1973 Taiwan pursued export expansion inthe area of industrial goods. During this period U.S. aid directed at Taiwandeclined as did the islands geopolitical significance. To make up for thisdecline Taiwan focused on increasing its exports. The growth of the Taiwanese miserliness during this period according to amber laid the ground work for the growthof opposition movements and loosening of the KMT"S grip on power. According toGold this was because the changes in the Taiwanese economy brought about amiddle class, a better educated populace, and a dispersion of industry throughout the country. The Period from 1973 to 1984 Gold calls the time of industrialupgrading and the emergence of a political opposition. During this period Taiwanfaced the oil shock, and increase in export prices due to a delve shortage thatdoubled workers salaries, a further loss of geopolitical prestige, and thegrowth of dissent and political opposition. Taiwan industrially during this timeimproved the quality and mensuration of its exports.The Taiwan indu strial model was that of a elite run bureaucracy thattightly controlled its nations citizenry in authoritarian ways. Thisauthoritarian government was able to in effect channel the energies of Taiwantoward modernization. This authoritarian government became a victim of its ownsuccess because as living and education standards rose the citizenry demanded ashift away from hard authoritarianism.Taiwan is not a very good industrialization model for other countriesto use outside of East Asia. This is because many of the factors that allowedTaiwanese industrialization were unique to Taiwan. First, Taiwan was colonizedbefore 1950 by a developmentalist power, Japan to which is had close ties evenafter 1950. Second, Taiwan was the recipient of financial aid during itscritical early years because of a inter-core competition for hegemony between

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Critical Review of a Psychology Research Article on Students Essay

search Issues in Psychology captious Review of a Research conditionPupils who exhibit gifted characteristics along with another disability are referred to as twice-exceptional students (Morrison, 2001 Nielsen 2002). This term is used in the article that I have chosen to review, which analyzes the responses and perceptions through with(predicate) interview, of one particular individual (Andrew) who was identified as being gifted and talented (G/T) and who had emotional and behavioral disabilities (EBD). What the researchers aimed to accomplish through this analysis was a clearer accord of Andrews community and school experiences, as they stated that there was a lack of empirical selective information focusing upon pupils who displayed such behaviors. The features of the research creation were candid and simple a qualitative analysis with one participant a structured interview, recorded then later transcribed and analyzed to leaven 3 themes a conclusion which produced findings of Andrews experiences as a twice-exceptional student. It is the appropriateness of the methods that were used in this study which leave behind inform my first critique of this article. I will then move on to discuss the data which was collected, before finally examining how effective the conclusion is.Morrison and Omdal chose to include only one participant in their study, which compares sort of significantly to the research of others in similar areas that have included a greater number of participants (Gross, 1994 Sankar-DeLeeuw, 2004 Howe et al, 1998). This particular participant, named under the pseudonym of Andrew, was 22 long time of come on when he consented to partake in the research. A brief description of his formidable successes both academic and socially, pointed out that he was currently employed as a permanent substitute teacher (p.2). The reader is immediately drawn to a young man who has accomplished and triumphed against his disabilities instantly gaining the res pect of the readers as his successes come out strong point of character and determination. Surely then questions must arise about the validity of using such a small, select sample. Can the quality of data that has been poised be representative of the population (Cohen et al 20002) of twice-exceptional students? It is my assumption that no, it cannot. Especially since the chosen participant is a teacher reflecting upon his edu... ...otional/Behavioural disabilities and gifted and talented behaviours nonsensical or semantic differences in characteristics?, Psychology in the Schools, Vol. 38(5), 2001Nielsen, M.E. (2002) Gifted Students With Learning Disabilities recommendations for Identification and Programming, Exceptionality Vol.10 (2), 93-111Nowak, M (2001) Double Inequity, Redoubled Critique Twice-Exceptional (Gifted + Learning Disabled) Students, the Equality Ideal, and the riposte organise of the Educational System http// author Plucker, J.A. & Levy, J.J (2001) The Downside of Being Talented, American Psychologist, Vol 56(1) 75-76Porter, L (1999) Gifted Young Children A guide for teachers and parents Open University Press, BuckinghamSankar-DeLeeuw, N (2004) fiber studies of gifted kindergarten children profiles of promise. (On Gifted Students in School) Roeper Review, v26 i4 p192(16)Schuler, P.A. (2003) Gifted kids at risk Whos listening?, http// Training Agency 20/01/05 http// Critical Review of a Psychology Research Article on Students EssayResearch Issues in PsychologyCritical Review of a Research ArticlePupils who exhibit gifted characteristics along with another disability are referred to as twice-exceptional students (Morrison, 2001 Nielsen 2002). This term is used in the article that I have chosen to review, which analyzes the response s and perceptions through interview, of one particular individual (Andrew) who was identified as being gifted and talented (G/T) and who had emotional and behavioral disabilities (EBD). What the researchers aimed to accomplish through this analysis was a clearer understanding of Andrews community and school experiences, as they stated that there was a lack of empirical data focusing upon pupils who displayed such behaviors. The features of the research design were straightforward and simple a qualitative analysis with one participant a structured interview, recorded then later transcribed and analyzed to produce 3 themes a conclusion which produced findings of Andrews experiences as a twice-exceptional student. It is the appropriateness of the methods that were used in this study which will inform my first critique of this article. I will then move on to discuss the data which was collected, before finally examining how effective the conclusion is.Morrison and Omdal chose to include only one participant in their study, which compares quite significantly to the research of others in similar areas that have included a greater number of participants (Gross, 1994 Sankar-DeLeeuw, 2004 Howe et al, 1998). This particular participant, named under the pseudonym of Andrew, was 22 years of age when he consented to partake in the research. A brief description of his formidable successes both academic and socially, pointed out that he was currently employed as a permanent substitute teacher (p.2). The reader is immediately drawn to a young man who has accomplished and triumphed against his disabilities instantly gaining the respect of the readers as his successes show strength of character and determination. Surely then questions must arise about the validity of using such a small, select sample. Can the quality of data that has been gathered be representative of the population (Cohen et al 20002) of twice-exceptional students? It is my assumption that no, it cannot. Espec ially since the chosen participant is a teacher reflecting upon his edu... ...otional/Behavioural disabilities and gifted and talented behaviours Paradoxical or semantic differences in characteristics?, Psychology in the Schools, Vol. 38(5), 2001Nielsen, M.E. (2002) Gifted Students With Learning Disabilities recommendations for Identification and Programming, Exceptionality Vol.10 (2), 93-111Nowak, M (2001) Double Inequity, Redoubled Critique Twice-Exceptional (Gifted + Learning Disabled) Students, the Equality Ideal, and the Reward Structure of the Educational System http// Plucker, J.A. & Levy, J.J (2001) The Downside of Being Talented, American Psychologist, Vol 56(1) 75-76Porter, L (1999) Gifted Young Children A guide for teachers and parents Open University Press, BuckinghamSankar-DeLeeuw, N (2004) Case studies of gifted kindergarten children profiles of promise. (On Gifted Students in School) Roeper Review, v26 i4 p192 (16)Schuler, P.A. (2003) Gifted kids at risk Whos listening?, http// Training Agency 20/01/05 http//